Pretty & Ugly

I’m talking about food, of course 🙂

As a whole, this weekend was rather uneventful.

I did a little baking…

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high protein carob-almond cookies!

Using a combo of recipes from Leanne and Alex.

I went to work – boring.

I drove an hour and a half in the dark – scary.

I saw a movie – fun!

Rise of the Planet of the Apes Poster

And ate food, of course. Granted it was not all this pretty…

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A delicious healthy meal, made in a house with very little food. I'm proud of this plate!

For this I pretty much scraped together the best whole-food things I could find lying around.

Then last night, I went out for Japanese with my dad. Food at Japanese restaurants is almost always pretty.

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Hamachi jalapeno at Sai Cafe! That red thing? raw ginger. so good.

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Tako Sansai on cucumber & seaweed salad in rice vinegar dressing

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our sushi platter!

(Sorry for the bad lighting, I refuse to use a flash in restaurants, and the food was too good to wait for me to mess with camera settings!)

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Italian Ice from the best local place. mmm cappuccino crunch!

I think I prefer chocolate ice/sorbet to chocolate ice cream… maybe for the same reason I don’t really do milk chocolate.

Some of it was ugly – but still delicious!

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failed/burnt pancake with caramelized banana slices and almond butter 'frosting'

An attempt at Gina’s (the fitnessista) not-so perfect protein pancake.  I need to make smaller pancakes or use a bigger spatula. And work on my flippage-skills.

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quickie dinner - oats, TVP, broccoli, cheezy sauce

I decided I liked my cashew ‘cheeze’ better cold than hot, so I wanted to try a new warm creamy cheezy sauce.  Got it on the first try!

Quicker-and-Easier Cheezy Sauce (Vegan)

  • 1/4 cup nutritional yeast
  • 3-4 T unsweetened soy milk (don’t use almond, not thick enough)
  • pinch of salt
  • pepper and spices to taste (chili, turmeric, red pepper, cayenne, etc.)

Directions: mix all ingredients (well!) in a microwave safe bowl.  Microwave for about 40-60 seconds, until the mixture starts to bubble.  Or use a small saucepan, and cook on the stove.  So quick, and delicious!

In response to your questions on the last post, the goat milk yogurt does have a distinct goat-cheese yogurt flavor, but I really like it since I love goat cheese.  Unfortunately, the consistency is not as thick as greek yogurt.  You win some, you lose some.

Other news – my recipe page is going up tonight!

How was your weekend? More exciting than mine, I hope.

What’s the most delicious ugly food you’ve ever eaten?

13 thoughts on “Pretty & Ugly

  1. Wow that cheezy sauce looks like real cheese! I thought it was the real thing at first!

    I’ve never had Italian ice but it looks pretty good!

    I’d have to say the most delicious ugly food I’ve ever eaten was this chocolate walnut butter I made with Hershey’s special dark cocoa powder, walnuts, vanilla extract, some sweetener, and a little bit of milk! It tasted so sinful but it was healthy! It looked like manure though…

  2. That cheese sauce looks like real cheese, how neat! Who cares if it’s ugly, I actually think everything looks tasty hehe
    My yogurt/oatmeal/cereal messes are always pretty ugly (oxymoron much?) but they seem to taste even better that way 🙂

  3. Nice meals I like what you put together when there is little food around the house! I enjoy doing this as it makes for a healthy but creative meal 🙂 An added bonus is that your not wasteful!

  4. I’m gonna have to try the cheesy sauce. I’m on the verge of going vegan, the only ting really stopping me is that I don’t wanna give up my cheeses without a fight lol.

  5. I think everything looks tasty especially those cookies, sushi and that cheese sauce!! YUM I do not like using flash in restaurants either, don’t like all the attention it brings haha

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